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Recreation AideJo Stewart
Diversional Therapist
I love this website especially the "This day in History" series. They are fantastic for my newsletter that I put out every month.
Hello everyone, I would like some advice. I would like to start a weekly Men's group and I want to entice them to come to program. what ideas would be good. I thought wood working and men's health, but I just don't know what else to do in my retirement home. if you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate. thanks in advance.
Hi Edie
I think food is a great
We used to have a once a week breakfast for the men
We also had a veteran come in and run a group and they had donuts and coffee
Here are some other ideas
Feed them and they will come! :D It depends on what your group has in common - I have a building full of retired farmers, so most of what we do with the guys is farming related. During football season we talk about the Packers and Badgers. The best place to start is with a good social and leisure inventory to see what your group is interested in. - On Friday we are doing a series of Facebook videos on robotic dairy farming! They may be long retired, but they are still interested in the latest and greatest in the industry.