
Patti avatar

Hello Everyone!

I have a big challenge under my wing.

We have a quadriplegic here at our facility. This person is call-light happy. It was asked if the activities dept. would be able to sit with the resident 2x per day for approx. 30 minutes each.

The Challenge : Resident does not wish to get up and interact with others. Aside from, painting nails, giving hand/arm rubs, reading psalms, reading books...... what could we do for her? HELP!

Susan avatar

Hi Patty

First I am sure you have assessed this persons interests both past and present

Can this person write

Perhaps the staff and resident could do word searches together

You could get a card stand and play card games together

Use this person’s brain

Have the residents help Staff to design a newsletter or write a story for the group of course you do the writing

Perhaps they could help design an activity

Does this person like to sing

What about trivia?

What about math activities?

Here are some one on one Activities that you could use and modify if you have to

Patti avatar

Hi Susan!

Thanks for your reply. The only thing we have to use is her brain. She is completely paralyzed. Trivia questions are on the top of our list. Music and movies also.

I wasn't sure if anyone had this type of experience or not. The Math activities would be great! I could make up a game of some sort. : )

Thanks again for your response!

Have a wonderful day !!!

Julie avatar

Maybe she has some un tapped writing skills , if she can speak , maybe she’d like , with your help, to write a script for a play or a drama or thriller , it may be something the other residents and staff could act when it’s finished or read out loud as drama therapy . Maybe even try and write a panto ready for chrimbo? Or poems or songs

Creating is a wonderful escape IF she enjoys it

Clare avatar
Clare Activities And Development Co Ordinator

Is this lady able to move her eyes if so does she have access to or is funding available for an eye gaze for her to be independent in her choices of music, activities, etc and to enable her to communicate with others

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Christabel Smith
Activities Director/Business Owner United States Flag
Christabel Smith

I am loving the Golden Carers membership. I am finding great resources that I used on the first day of membership. The membership is of much value working as both an Activities Director, and also an Activities Consultant. I look forward to continuing to use the site and also the forum.