
Karin avatar
Karin Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

Hi. I was wondering if anyone runs a shopping bus for their in-house residents (not independent living). If you do, could you share with me please who runs the shopping trip with the residents (volunteer or trained PCA) and what ratio? Maybe any policies? We run one with a volunteer and over the years our residents needs have changed. I'd like to know how other homes do it if they run something like this. Thanks. Karin

Marcia avatar

We are in process of setting this up, I'm going to start with 3 residents who are independent and some with walkers for support and 1 staff and if we increase I'll have 2 staff for 6 which will be my cut off point

Sharon avatar

We run a shopping bus once a month depending on numbers. It is run by the RAO with the help of Volunteer and bus driver. Only the more capable and independant residents are able to go. Minimum number is 5, and the maximum is 10 residents. We only go to the local shops, which are all under one roof, with minimal exists. We organise a meeting place (cafe) and a time to meet up. Our residents wear a small name badge with the name of our facility on it just in case. Good luck.

Kathy avatar

I run what I call Home shopping at our aged care hostel. I started off setting up on a table but now I have a spare room that I have set up as a shop, with a fridge, selling some clothing, toiletries, jewellery, books, dvds, playing cards, greeting cards (handmade), small gifts,crossword books and lots more, also drinks, sweets and chocolates (under diet supervision) all these are sold for cost price, We take some residents, walking or in wheelchairs to the shop a couple of times a week so everyone gets a chance to shop...they all love it and call it Kathys shop


Fay avatar
Fay caregiver/recreational officer

We have bus excursions twice a week. On Tuesday's we go to local shops. On Thursday a small shopping centre further away, usually 2 hour outing. Every second thursday we do a 4 hour trip which goes further and includes lunch out. Our bus can take ten people in total. All must be able to access bus as we have no wheelchair hoist. We do have storage for walkers and wheelchairs in back. We usually have RAO who drives bus and one volunteer, but that depends on how many residents need assistance with pushing. We are going to an art gallery this week and next week we are tackling end of year sales. We tend to stay together as a group, those who are independent pair off and we have an agreed meeting spot at a coffee shop. We also pre arrange a $4.50 coffee and cake deal for staff and residents as an extra.

Hope this helps.

Rosemarie avatar

we have shopping once a week. mostly able residents but we are getting less of these. every second week we take a wheelchair resident as they take up so much room in the van. I have a wonderful volunteer who mainly takes them on his own. there are generally 5 residents and we take them to the bank if they need to. we shop in the morning and then have a short drive. in the afternoon we take a group for a longer ride which usually involves an ice cream or coffee stop. Current first aid certificates are required and competency with the van hoist. Residents enjoy this as they often see old acquaintances.

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Sharon Wilburn
LCSW United States Flag
Sharon Wilburn

I am so grateful to have found this site. Your suggestions for activities and groups are so helpful. Your resources are wonderful.