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Activity Professional & Writer

How to Help New Residents Adjust to Lifestyle Changes

How to Help New Residents Adjust to Lifestyle Changes
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Sally avatar

Our activity co always introduce her self with a welcome to the home card .

Dawn  avatar

We do all the suggestions I also have an activities session with some flash type cards to prompt thoughts about themselves such as hobbies and interests, where they were born, jobs they were involved in, Family etc. It is encouraged the whole room takes part in a getting to know one another better challenge. It works really well and I always try to attach common denominators with other such as travel and they have been to the same or similar areas in a country. It's always a hard transition but we are generally very lucky in our residents seem to settle in well as we are a very small place.

Lifestyle Salisbury avatar

We have always done all these things so very important.

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

I'm so encouraged to hear your community incorporates these for new residents! I'm sure they feel welcomed and at home.

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

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