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Patricia Co Ordinator

Left & Right Game - Christmas

Left & Right Game - Christmas
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Nectaria Berry, Aged Care

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Marianne  avatar

Love this!

Julie  avatar

Have tried this game with our residents. Was hilarious. We need more stories. Not very successful in a large group though as some people miss out a turn so tried it with two balls. What chaos! Such fun!! Try it. Recommended by me. Have fun.

Brenda avatar

I have seen this game played with a group passing around presents.

Shazia avatar

will try this game sounds good fun and will enable all residents to join in

Janine avatar

I love the sound of this as I can hear their laughter now, cannot wait to try it

Kylie avatar
Kylie leisure and lifestyle officer

this was a great hit. lots of laughing

Lesley avatar

We used the Left Right game with our Secret Santa gifts at our Christmas Party. Everyone had a gift (to the value of $5 - wrapped up) . As I read the Left Right story they had to use their gift and pass along to people next to them. Much laughing as people had to pass their gift, with a few getting mixed up.

Lisa avatar

I have done that game before and with the right clients it is so much fun and a huge giggle!

Patricia avatar

Hi Kimberley, no instructions needed, give each person a lolly for example, whatever! Keep passing it to either person on left or right. Janelle, I wanted a bit more fun for ours & decided to google, got some great games, will be using them this week. I downloaded a word bingo from here, have had a great time with that. If things gets quiet & say I call the word "halt" get them to put hands up if have it & give them a sweet. No prizes at the end as sweets have gone, makes for a fun game, amazing how many hold their hands up all through the game. This is the best site I have ever come across! So much for everybody.

Sue avatar


Could you please share this great site.

Kind regards

Sue Terbos

Janelle avatar

Hi Kimberly

Like you I couldn't find the instructions so I Googled 'left right game' and lots of variations came up. I'll definitely be adding it to my activities programme. Hope this helps.

Kymberly avatar

Hi. Where's the instructions? :)

Jacqueline avatar
Jacqueline Diversional therapy team leader

Yes I played this game last year for Valentines day with a version of a love story and the residents thought it was great fun at the end they all had a have-a-heart ice cream.

Patricia avatar

This could be changed to something else, I am sure! If we have a dull day, weather not much will certainly go for it! I put a little chocolate with a scratchie on it as a special for a change, they thoroughly enjoyed it!

Linda avatar

that will definitely be included this Christmas:) we did a similar game for a wedding shower - it was hilarious, with the MC (me) unable to continue reading, as i was laughing so much at the chaos that the table was in trying to figure out left and right!

Patricia avatar

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Left & Right