Match Songs with Movies

Match Songs with Movies
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Claudia McPhail, Senior Support Worker

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Christine  avatar

As a volunteer in a Care Home with dementia residents I print off many of the very varied quizzes which they all enjoy as do the staff and improves the General knowledge of everyone including myself and leads to many conversations and singing and you can entertain a large group with various capabilities where some craft activities cannot. Keep up the good work . Christine from Kent England

Susan avatar

Hi Christine

First of all, thank you for being a volunteer

It is so helpful to the residents and staff

Iam so glad you enjoy the activities here

Wendy avatar

The residents love this so much!! thank you

Ashlyn avatar

Is there a playlist that goes with this game or do we need to make our own?

Susan avatar

Hi Ashlyn

Simply hit the print activity button and gives You a list of the songs in the answers first they’re scrambled second they’re in the correct order

In case you’re having trouble hear it is

Lynne and Amanda avatar
Lynne and Amanda Day Respite Coordinator and assistant

The "Match the songs with the movies" was a massive hit with my day respite clients. Lots of giggles and fun, which lead into other songs too. Thanks for that.

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for your feedback Natalie!

Talita avatar

That's a good idea - we'll put together a playlist that you can access. I will keep you posted!

Elissa avatar

Hello, is there a downloadable playlist of songs for this?

Tracey avatar


Kathleen avatar

a cd of the songs would be great and easy to use

Brenda avatar

It looks like you have the list movies but we need to download songs?