Mixed Media Collages for the Elderly

Mixed Media Collages for the Elderly
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“Your website has wonderful ideas, it gets the creative juices flowing! Money well spent :D”

Kathleen Constance, Lifestyle Assistant

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Karen avatar

We completed our collage and entered It in our local show. The group won 2 prizes for a total of $75. We did a bottle tree with individual canvases to symbolise the individuals within the group, The name of the group (by popular vote) is The Bottle Tree Wanderers so we thought a Bottle Tree was quite appropriate.

Thanks for the great idea

Talita avatar

Wow Karen, congratulations! It turned out so beautiful! Thanks for sending in a pic too. x

Liz avatar

Thank you This is very helpful.

Karen avatar

Thanks for the idea, we will be presenting this to our clients as an option for our show entry for next year. Our idea is to use small individual canvases that will come together to create one large image. We will encourage each person bring in something to use in the collage that they feel shows their personality/individuality.

Talita avatar

oh that's a great idea Karen. Please send in a picture if you are able to when it is all put together, sounds really good!

Silvia avatar

I'm just studying Lifestyle and Health and recently we had to conduct an activity for our fellow classmates. I chose something similar to this but focused on including an image/photo/phtocopied image of something that is special and has personal significance. My class will be partaking in the activity shortly and I can't wait! Have done several before and they are immensely enjoyable, rewardingly fulfilling activities...Thankyou for providing this one for all to try! :)

Leonie avatar

What a fantastic idea will be trying this at our next craft session

Lisa avatar

We have introduced a similar activity at my workplace , it's called SoulCollage(R) and involves using images from magazines, moving them around on a mat board until the desired arrangement is achieved and then gluing down. The result is an individual piece which we then talk about and it is especially good to use with dementia clients, we talk about what they see in the images and how they feel. It can be very therapeutic and healing.

Silvia avatar

Hey Debbie, That's another Fantastic Idea!...Thankyou for sharing it!

Talita avatar

Thanks for sharing this Debbie, what a beautiful collage. I had never heard of SoulCollage - I just looked it up, very interesting!

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