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Lisa Activity Director

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?
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Tracy  avatar

i would love a Part 3! My residents love this so much! it's sparks amazing conversations.

Lisa avatar

This is fabulous! Excellent discussion and made them think!

Lisa avatar

Glad you all are enjoying this activity. Some of the answers I have gotten just crack me up because as we all know, residents say it like it is. What I have found is the older residents would do the more morally right thing. Some of my residents in their 40's wouldn't. Just interesting.

I love to make up things, and I have about twenty more of these scenarios I will share again in a few months if you all would like more.

Thanks for the feedback.

SandrA avatar

this really started a worthwhile conversation, morals are hard to cover. Icould do with more questions

Lisa  avatar

Thank you so much for sharing this activity Lisa (USA) I shared it with my residents this afternoon and it was a great success. Not sure if I would want them to tell me I had bad breath though, they were a bit confronting, but very polite lol. (one lady said "well I would just say, I think your breath is very smelly")

Lisa (Aus)

Nemia avatar

Thank you Lisa, I can't wait to share it with my residents !

April avatar

Our participants enjoyed this activity. Very thoughtful and a wonderful tool for engagement.

Thank you for sharing.

Gwyneth avatar

I love your WHAT WOULD YOU DO QUESTIONS Lisa, some of them are really happening in the world every day and sometimes it is difficult to know what to do, good questions. I am wondering what kind of answers you are having! Some of the answers we get from our clients are good, and some very funny,but we never know what to expect. !!!!!!!! All the best Gwyneth

Talita avatar

Love this Lisa! Thank you for sharing. A lot of food for thought.

Lisa avatar

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: What Would You Do? (These are original scenarios I made up)

Irish Quiz

Quiz 6

Mexican Quiz

Quiz 1

German Quiz 1


March Quiz

Quiz 10

Famous Fathers Quiz
