
Natalia avatar


Does anyone have a doll therapy care plan template they are willing to share. I have a resident whom family brought her a doll. Per family she seems to enjoy holding doll and kissing baby. Am not sure if it would be consider doll therapy since it is a child's doll, not the ones used for doll therapy. Any suggestions or recommendations are appreciated.

Thank You

Susan avatar

Hi Natalia

I do not have a specific Doll therapy care plan

Remember care plans should be individualized so start with the problem statement and how using Doll therapy is going to help thi

Then say what the resident is going to do such as resident's name will engage in or get pleasure from or respond to or whatever happens When they interact with dolls

Say how long this happens and how many times a week they do it

Here are some ideas of others who used doll therapy

Here is some information on how to write a care plan

Let me know if I can be of any more help

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Lauretta Kaldor
Diversional Therapist Australia Flag
Lauretta Kaldor

I love the forum, I can get a feel of the issues recreation staff face in their work. Keep up the good work you do for us!!