
Solange avatar

Hi Christine, I know what you are talking about. I have also worked in a special care unit and I found it very challenging. One activity that always worked for me was the balloons, whether in wheelchairs or ambulant they automatically respond to it, sending the balloon back. Another activity is placing a large amount of scrap fabric on top of a table surrounded by residents. The fabric should have all sorts of colours and textures. In my experience, the residents were distracted touching and feeling the fabric for 15 minutes. Also try military band music; for some reason people often stop to listen. Try the above 3 activities in succession; don't expect them to be more than 10-15 minutes entertained on each activity. They have problems with focus and it is unrealistic to expect them to sit down with an activity for more than 10 minutes. However if you offer always 3 activities in a sequence you will have them occupied and entertained for 30 minutes. Let me know how you go.

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Katya Dray
Activity Coordinator United Kingdom Flag
Katya Dray

The care quality commission inspectors looked at the activities I printed off from this website and they were very impressed. So thank you again!