Pampering Facials for Senior Care

Pampering Facials for Senior Care
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I’m 79 years old and have training in aromatherapy and I love doing facial and head massages as well as makeup though I’m not so good on my legs I’m more than capable to do sessions of face head and massages and makeup .

I’m board and need to do something with people to give them pleasure and lift me at the same time , young at hart and very lonely looking for to be useful.

Susan avatar

Hi Anna, I think sensory activities are what you are looking for

Susan avatar

Hi Grace

The therapist is right not just dementia residents but any resident could be lowered it to a product

It is best to ask your nursing staff what they recommend

Most residents have cleansing products provided by the facility so those are usually pretty safe

Grace avatar

I am planning do beauty therapy for dementia resident such facial wash,.facial massage plus masking.. But my occupational therapist said need to consult with my staff nurse on what products I can use for the dementia resident ... She afraid the resident may have skin allegries

May I have some suggestion or guideline on what product is best to use

Catalina M avatar

I've been activity leader in a nursing home for four years. I was promoted to take in charge as a Director of Activities. Any suggestion how to get some voluntaries to be involved in my beauty Therapy?

Talita avatar

Hi Catalina, we have an article about establishing a volunteer program which may be helpful:

Carol avatar

I do this and call it Namaste Care(Google it if you are not familiar with it)

I put on quiet classical music,light some oil burners usually with lavender essential oil,hang fairy lights around and dim the lights.

I offer Ponds face cream(it's been around for years and most recognise the smell.)

Then we offer manicure and finish with lavender hand cream.

For those who are fairly unresponsive, I offer a Swatch of different textured materials,glass people's in nice colours,marbles and those beautifully coloured small lizard type animals. I think they are stuffed with sand. You do have to watch the no-one puts the hard thing in their mouth.

Talita avatar

This is lovely Carol, thanks for sharing your ideas

Ruth avatar

To cover infection control with foot spa use the coloured scented bags from one of the cheap shops place in foot spa before filling gives aromatherapy at same time as foot bag for each resident wash with hot soapy water between residents.

Jackie avatar

We have a procedure process documented on each activity - the process from start to finish is documented. This will include goals, equipment, the area, staff needed & infection control measures. This is also evaluated.

These procedures are very useful for people that are unfamiliar of how to set up the activity.

This will be sufficient evidence for Audits if needed.

Maria avatar

I would like to have, a infection control procedures, to put in place for the bowls, micro-face washer, etc. so than I'll be abel to follow & show the Health department during audits.

Lea avatar

You have nailed it Rosina !

Rosina avatar

using everyday infection control would be sufficient, new bowl for each resident, new wipe all for each resident, bowls placed in sterilizer after each use, staff to wash hands before attending to next resident, all this can be documented in progress to reflect engaging resident and pampering session attended and infection control procedure

Heather avatar

We have a pampering day at least once a year and we get staff and volunteers involved. We have 3 or 4 foot spas going and then give foot and hand massages, someone painting fingernails, a hair dresser doing blow waves, a local masseuse doing neck and shoulder massages and some times we get one of the girls from the local pharmacy to come in for an hour and do facials. Some times we even got some of the local church ladies to come and do some flower arranging while everything else is going on. This day is always a great success. Takes a little time organising.

Solange avatar

Hi Heather,

What a great way to pamper the residents! Well done.