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Aranui Rest Home and Hospital
Diversional Therapist I/TPlay Dough Crafts
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I use Allison's soft play dough recipe and also add essential oils and colour match colours to oils (yellow to lemon, peppermint or spearmint to green etc) and the residents in my dementia unit love it, their imaginations go into overdrive. I love your idea Marina and am definitely going to try it.
Hi Vanessa
Thanks for sharing this information
Allison‘s recipe does sound heavenly
Color adds a nice touch too
Thanks again
How much dough does it make ! Enough for 3 or 4 people or is this recipe just for person?
Hi Debbie. The recipe is enough for 3 to 4 people.
I gave some playdough to a Resident & his wife so they could do something whilst they were together (I was using it as a hand manipulation exercise really)..when he started manipulating the dough, rolling it in to a smooth ball then flattening it and then smoothing it out with a knife. The wife likened it to window putty & her husband was preparing the "putty" to replace a window with.
She was overjoyed that he was doing something of his own accord (as he is quite far along his Dementia Journey)
Hi Emma, well done! It gives one so much satisfaction seeing a client totally focused on a meaninful activity of his own.
Thank you Marina, I have another recipe for play dough which calls for baby oil rather than the usual cooking oil, it keeps for much longer and smell nicer. I like your method of cooking the pots and then painting them, thank you for posting.
Basically replace the cooking oil with baby oil, it smells nicer and keeps longer too.
Hi Kathleen,
what is the recipe for the play dough with baby oil?
A wonderful idea, lots of good suggestions. This activity will give pleasure with tactile sensory. Biscuit shaped cutters can also be used.
I use "Soft as cloud dough" with my residents. It has a lovely feeling to it and I also add essential oils especially lavender for relaxation.
Try it:
1 part conditioner
2 parts corn flour/corn starch
Food colouring (optional)
essential oils (optional)
Mix together and it feels beautiful, I even play with it for ages
Hi Jenni and Anne! Just to clarify this recipe - conditioner refers to hair conditioner. If you use 1 cup of conditioner than you will use 2 cups of corn starch. Anne as you are in the US, use corn starch. Jenni, the equivalent is corn flour in Australia. It's a little confusing. Have fune!
Allison, I'd like to try making your craft dough.
What do you mean by "conditioner," and is there a difference using flour or cornstarch?
thanks, Anne
Allison,when you say 1 part conditioner,how much ?
I add some essential oil to the dough, lavender or something pleasing to the nose, and food colouring if you do not want to paint afterwards. Our Physio was very impressed as the dough can be used by all and is good exercise for the hands. This activity has a very calming affect on behaviours.
I also have tried play dough with success. We have also used it with more able people in a game where players have to make an object unknown to other players out of the dough and they have to guess what it is. Of course clues can be offered too.I would make sure you are using a fresh batch each time as mould will grow on the play dough if left for some time (even wrapped up in plastic wrap in a sealed container.).
Thank you Marina!
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