
Patricia  avatar

Hi All,

I am in month 10 of being the Activities Director at a small SNF. I am just wondering how y'all plan out your monthly activities? Do you sit down and plan out a whole month at once or do it as you go?

Just wanting to know what has worked for others.

Thank you!


Solange avatar

Hi Carol, LifeStyle Coordinators usually do a Monthly Activity Calendar. See this link for examples.

All the best and keep safe.

Susan avatar

Hi I am a planner and I always planned a month at a time however I know things always change so I adapt and modify as i go

I used to have a monthly calendar and a weekly calendar

That way if things changed the weekly calendar reflected the change

But as I am sure you learned things can change very quickly because of weather sickness or an entertainer canceling at the last minute just to name a few

I tried to book most entertainment a year in advance especially the good ones

Every month has certain activities such as the monthly birthday party religious events and resident favorites

After being at a facility for a year you can see that every month has special events

You may have to change things because the residents needs and preferences change

Have you looked at

Hannah avatar

Hi Carol,

Welcome to the world of Activities!

Personally I have to make a monthly calendar and newsletter for the residents and families every month. So I sit down at the beginning of each month and plan out the next month! So by the beginning of June I had July already planned.

This gives me time to book entertainment (this has been easier with COVID since it has to be virtual), and look up monthly observances that I can plan my events around (

Even though most people plan out things way in advance, you will find that every day will be different and may not always go as planned. Because of this fact I know many Activity Directors who print out a daily sheet that says the activities. This way your residents are alerted every day if something on the monthly calendar has changed!

Hope this helps :)

Susan avatar

Thank you for this information Hannah and should be very helpful

Mary Lynn avatar

Hi friends!

I am beyond excited to be part of this amazing group. I just got hired as AD at a Senior Day Service Facility. Meaning these clients come on a daily basis. Opens at 6:30 AM and closes at 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday. Some clients come everyday and some every other day etc....Now with COVID we are reopening July 6th with very few clients at first and of course following all new rules and regulations. With our new rules and regs, every client gets their own plastic storage box (with lid. Size of a boot box) with their name on it so it can be filled with their own personal items. PLEASE post any FUN suggestions and clever ideas. They are NOT allowed to take any crafts home with them during this unique crisis so any crafts we make have to be "tossed" out (after they leave of course), stored in their box, or displayed in our garden. I am open to EVERYTHING from craft ideas to activities. I am reading tons of great ideas here but if you can post some ideas that have work famously with your clients/residents, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!

"Air" Hugs and Love, Mary Lynn xoxo

Princess avatar

I have just joined particularly for a good activity calendar, do you have a monthly activity calendars that can be filled in with my own activities.

Talita avatar

Hi Princess, welcome to the community!

You can create calendars from this page:

Susan avatar

Hi Princess

Thank you for joining

You may also want to use the tool kit

If you have any other questions feel free to ask them this community is full of members who are intelligent and creative

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Janine Peucker
Lifestyle Coordinator Australia Flag
Janine Peucker

"Just love how I can go into Golden Carers and get so many ideas, LOVE IT"