
Michelle avatar

Hi I've been told I have to do a monthly activity calendar.

No idea ,please help x

Suzannah avatar
Suzannah Resident Wellbeing Manager

There are lots of examples of monthly calendars on here, have a look at the style you want and then at the demographics of your community.

Consider : full month or weekly? Large Icons with Pictures?

I suggest doing a quick survey of your residents to find out what kind of things they like to do. Have a look at their life stories, old assessments, program evaluations etc, and start your building block with a few Core groups.

Bingo, Hoy and Card Games - always a winner

Seated Exercises, Tai Chi, Yoga, Excercise with weights - Mornings

Walking Group - Mornings

You want to throw in a Craft of some sort, considering the time of year Card Making

Movie or Coffee Club.

Hope this helps

Susan avatar

Hi Michelle

Do you this link and at the end there is a video and at the end of that there are different icons you can push to get started

Pauline avatar

Hi Michelle

I use the template in the calendar section from golden carers. It really helped me to set up the style and content we were looking for when we redesigned our newsletter.

Enjoy the ideas from them each month.


Susan avatar

Hi Susanna

Thank you for your suggestions

You are right there are many sample calendars on the site

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Kim Davidson
Activity Officer Australia Flag
Kim Davidson

Golden Carers is just wonderful. An amazing resource shared all over the world. I use Golden carers on a daily basis and added with Pinterest, it just makes my job that little bit easier on those days when inspiration doesn't come easy. I love that there is always something new every time I look.