Member Profile:


Activity Director From Nevada, United States

About Susan: Susan Berg is a freelance writer, retired healthcare professional, retired Activity Director and current writer for several senior care e-magazines with more than 20 years of experience working with Senior Citizens and eight years experience writing for a number of publications. She is the author of a book for those with dementia and their caregivers. Susan has two blogs about activities for seniors and information vital to all wanting to know about dementia. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and North Shore Community College.

Senior Citizens
Susan is an expert on senior citizen issues. She is currently a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant(COTA). In this role, she has worked with senior citizens. Susan is an expert on adapting and modifying activities so that seniors can participate in them. She spent twenty years as an Activity Director in nursing homes. She devised, planned, coordinated, and facilitated stimulating activity programming. Also she designed a program for homebound senior citizens. Currently, Susan shares her knowledge about senior activities on one of her blogs.


Susan is also an expert on dementia and related issues. She is a Certified Dementia Practitioner(CPD). She has participated in numerous workshops, seminars and alike where she has gained much knowledge. Her work as an Activity Director and COTA has given her much knowledge and experience in relating to individuals with dementia. Susan is passionate about sharing her knowledge. She is hopeful that people will do what they can to prevent or at least slow down dementia in themselves or loved ones. Susan has shared many tips on how to prevent dementia or slow it down on her other blog.

Feel free to visit and comment at either of Susan’s blogs at

28 Activities

3507 Comment

Susan 21st Aug 2018 Activity Director

The Importance of Documentation for Activity Directors

Susan has submitted a new articles: The Importance of Documentation for Activity Directors
Susan 19th Aug 2018 Activity Director

Maths Quiz #1

You can change the problems to suit the needs of the your residents
Encourage all to do this because it's definitely cognitive stimulation
Susan 19th Aug 2018 Activity Director

Reminiscing: How to Create a Memory Board

Great idea Donna
Susan 17th Aug 2018 Activity Director


Are you looking for one the residents can sing a long to, or do you want one they can just watch.
Musical Dvds are good such as Sound of Music. Look on Amazon or Ebay for more
Susan 16th Aug 2018 Activity Director

Reminiscing: How to Create a Memory Board

Good idea Jean
Susan 13th Aug 2018 Activity Director

Reminiscing: How to Create a Memory Board

This memory board is also good to decrease problem behaviors because a resident can be brought to a quiet area with the board and a staff member before the behavior becomes problematic

Talking about the memory board will probably redirect and refocus the residents attention to what is on board and hopefully they will forget what upset them in the first place
Susan 12th Aug 2018 Activity Director

Reminiscing: How to Create a Memory Board

A board like this is especially helpful to those who have dementia. If it is in a residents room, it can start discussions with staff and visitors.
Remind all that you never ask a resident with dementia "Do you remember?"

Instead say "Tell me about"
Susan 11th Aug 2018 Activity Director


Use the template Maurice suggested or here are other templates I and others created

How familiar with Microsoft word??
You definitely can add pictures. You may have to change the size
I would also put the pictures behind the text

I like to use a size 8 or smaller font to list activities on the calendar
I resized the calendar to 11x17 on a copier so ir is easier for the residents to see it

Also I created a template for a weekly calendar for those that wanted it

Let me know so I can walk you through the process

Susan 2nd Aug 2018 Activity Director


I commend you for having a bus trip every week it is a lot of work I am sure
I am surprised that residents do not want to attend because it gives them a chance to get out
Is there a cost involved ??
Do you have a destination in mind ??
Going out to eat is always something residents want to do even if it's just to McDonald's
Maybe you can get ice cream someplace
You could go to a shopping center so they can get supplies
I hope this helps
Susan 21st Jul 2018 Activity Director

8 Creative Group Activities for Seniors

I think creative activities are great for seniors because it helps keep their mind sharp
I used to do many creative activities with our residents I also had some of my staff run the activities but they were not for every staff member

The first activity I did was something called a picture is worth a thousand words
I showed the residents a picture with a lot going on
Then I asked the residents to tell me about certain aspects of the picture
The next step was for me or another resident to make the statements into a story
I printed the story out and put it in a notebook with the picture
That way the residents could look at the story periodically

I also had story starters that the residents could finish

Another idea is to do mad libs where the residents told the leader certain words without seeing the story. Then you fill in the words that they told you
It can be pretty funny and good for a laugh

I also did poetry such as limericks, haiku or just creating a poem for the season or for special topics

I also like to do Mandala art
Higher functioning residents could create a Mandate
Others could just color them in

We also took some popular songs and changed the words to make new songs

I was able to adapt and modify these activities for almost any type of resident

As I mentioned earlier I like putting these creative endeavors in a notebook so the residents good view them periodically

If you need help with any of these ideas, let me know