My facility is about to open a LTC facility. I am going to be the activity director in our LTC. I am trying to make an activity assessment form. I need help
Congratulations on your position! I've seen a range of Activity Assessment forms out there but here are a few suggestions based on what I have found helpful.
Try and leave lots of room so that you have space to write if a resident provides a lot of detail.
Ask "What do you prefer to be called?" i.e., Mr. Smith, John, John Sr. Johnny.
Ask "What is your preferred routine? i.e., Would you rather have 1:1 and in-room activities or would you like to be invited to all events? Are you a morning person? Or a night owl?
Ask "What types of activities do you enjoy?" and create a checklist of all the activity categories:
Exercise/Sports Music Art Spiritual/Religous Games/Puzzles Movies/TV Reading/Writing Cooking Trips/Outings Parties/Entertainment
Ask (For fun or as an icebreaker) "What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?"
Ask "Do you like to be around Pets?"
Ask questions about family history, "Do you have any children?" "What was your husband or wife's name?"
The activity assessment is a great tool to get to know your residents so it should be as detailed as you can make it. Best of luck with the opening of your new facility!
I am starting my 2nd day as a Life Enrichment Coordinator and am loving it. I subscribed to your site to learn more about the assisted living world. I am loving the hands-on ideas and thoughtful articles. Thank you!!
Colleen Dvorak Life Enrichment Coordinator United States
Congratulations on your position! I've seen a range of Activity Assessment forms out there but here are a few suggestions based on what I have found helpful.
Try and leave lots of room so that you have space to write if a resident provides a lot of detail.
Ask "What do you prefer to be called?" i.e., Mr. Smith, John, John Sr. Johnny.
Ask "What is your preferred routine? i.e., Would you rather have 1:1 and in-room activities or would you like to be invited to all events? Are you a morning person? Or a night owl?
Ask "What types of activities do you enjoy?" and create a checklist of all the activity categories:
Ask (For fun or as an icebreaker) "What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?"
Ask "Do you like to be around Pets?"
Ask questions about family history, "Do you have any children?" "What was your husband or wife's name?"
The activity assessment is a great tool to get to know your residents so it should be as detailed as you can make it. Best of luck with the opening of your new facility!