Another Royal baby due, we had a very successfull activity we will repeat.the noticeboard was decorated with a border of pink and blue baby wrapping paper,members chose pink or blue squarers of card and wrote their predictions for name,birth date and the coloured card signified the sex. We decorated with Royals magazine pictures,had prizes. Luckily no one got date,sex,name accurate because the main prize was a huge source of fun, an invitation to the Christening paid for out of petty cash!!! Lots of fun. Judy Diversional Therapist NZ
15th Feb 2015
What a lovely idea and sounds like lots of fun. Thank you for sharing ! Will certainly be putting this idea to good use !!
Hello, I have just renewed my membership after spending a year with Golden Carers. My residents in the home where I am Activities leader have totally enjoyed all the activities I have used from your website. I have used your newsletter templates, quizzes, word games, "This Day in History", painting pages, seasonal topics, and many more. Keep up the good work in helping us provide meaningful care for our precious residents that we are privileged to look after ✨️
Lizzie Archer Activities Coordinator United Kingdom