I love this web site , with all that is happening now I look forward to getting on this site for new ideas. A lot we do already and a lot I've never seen or done . What a great way to start the day !
Anna It is so good to hear from people like you You are right this is a great website and has a lot of of standing activities and fabulous members who are here to help should you need it
Sooooo happy and thankful I have this medium as it saves so much time and energy collecting info and collating it. Thank you everyone for all your ideas it covers sooo much!
Catherine Gibb Activity Coordinator United Kingdom
A lot we do already and a lot I've never seen or done .
What a great way to start the day !
Thank you ALL
Anna Kortie CDP,CCSI
Asbury Solomons ,MD
It is so good to hear from people like you
You are right this is a great website and has a lot of of standing activities and fabulous members who are here to help should you need it