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Jean 14th Jan 2022 Activities Coordinator
1st - 8th March Time for a Cuppa Dementia Week (UK) and I am looking for ideas and your input regarding activities that can take place to recognise this week. Most of our residents have dementia and in the past I have done a 'Pop up Cafe' for the residents where friends and family could have a cup of tea and scone etc. Considering doing same again this year but getting carers to bring down a small group of residents. Any other ideas? Many thanks, Jean
Susan 15th Jan 2022 Activity Director
Hi Jean
This sounds like a good idea
You may want to have simple fact sheets about what to do in certain situations
In order to get staff to bring the dementia residents to your event you may want to offer simple prizes or some other compensation to them
You may also want to have them do a simple project that they could take with them
Jean 23rd Jan 2022 Activities Coordinator
Thank you for your input Susan. Most of our staff are new and learning on the job so i have compiled a booklet called Introduction to Activities, I will ask them to take turns bringing a few residents to the pop up cafe and when they leave I will give them each the booklet to take with them.
Susan 23rd Jan 2022 Activity Director
Hi Jean
Sounds like a good idea Jean
Thank you for sharing this
Louisa 4th Feb 2022
I've done a Memory Lane-Tea Pot Reminiscing session which went really well. Simply printed pictures of teapots, a couple from each decade and we talked and shared stories. There's always someone with a funny story about a cuppa tea. Have fun
Susan 4th Feb 2022 Activity Director
Hi Louisa
Thank you for this information

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