Hi Dionne I do not know if these articles are cutting edge, but here are some suggestions from Golden Carers https://www.goldencarers.com/search/?search_tag=Activity&search=Montessori A lot depends on the group that you have because there are a lot of differences in the munch care There are many issues you must tackle
I really love your website. I still find it incredulous that this site exists. I know how hard it must be for our Lifestyle teams to keep coming up with ideas and activities and to now have found this site - WOW. I really do think it says a lot about the immense value of community collaboration - because this site is about that! so I am immensely proud that people, especially older people, may be benefitting from this wonderful resource all over the world.
I do not know if these articles are cutting edge, but here are some suggestions from Golden Carers
A lot depends on the group that you have because there are a lot of differences in the munch care
There are many issues you must tackle