Our club is looking for 16 carpet bowling balls but they can not weigh more than 800 grams or 1.5 pounds. If you know where we could find some and what the cost would be. We now have black and brown balls, some of our members are have trouble see the colors because their eyesight is not real good. We would like either yellow or light blue.
If you could help me with this I m greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance for your help.
Jeanette Blackfalds Cheemo Senior,s Club Secretary.
Hi Jeanette You might try looking on eBay or Amazon You might try looking at a Goodwill type store You could put signs up at local churches asking for what you want
The activities on this site are truly amazing. It is great as well that you have the option to make your own activities and share these with others. This website has been tremendously helpful. Our residents especially love the bingo's and hangman. It has also allowed us to complete activities that we may not have thought about before. Thank you so much love this website!
If you could help me with this I m greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance for your help.
Blackfalds Cheemo Senior,s Club
You might try looking on eBay or Amazon
You might try looking at a Goodwill type store
You could put signs up at local churches asking for what you want
bowling pins