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Avery 19th Nov 2013 Lifestyle Officer
Hi I would like some assistance with daily tick sheets. We have one similiar to your monthly activity attendance one. Is there something with more details about Resident reactions, and participation . I believe others have ideas that I can use.
Tanz 21st Nov 2013
Hi Avery, We use a daily tick sheet in our facility. We use a code of A for active, P for passive and O for offered (which is when you've offered an activity and they said no) so you could really do anything that covers their needs. We actually had this code for some time but just used to tick then the Auditos noted it so of course now we have to and do use code!
Heather 23rd Nov 2013
Hi avery, our tick sheets are coded with, 1 no participation, 2 passive participation, 3 participated with support, 4 full participation, im in high care dementia so majority of mine are a 3, at the bottom of each month I evaluate them so I no if resident is taking part.. on occasions some passively engage on a social aspect such as sing-alongs they might not be singing but facial expressions, feet tapping and hands tapping and chatting to another resident tell another story. Tick sheets, help me to plan my programs each month and meet the needs of my residents by showing which activities are popular or not as no point doing activities that do not meet the needs of residents or ones they enjoy... hope this helps.
Wendy 9th Dec 2013 Lifestyle Manager
Hi Avery
Ideallly the sheet should capture how the resident participates, any assistance required and behaviours and strategies to reduce behaviours I develoepd one where each actviity for the day is on the sheet and space for comments , it has an index P participation and D for declined this way I know my staff are inviting the residents to all activites on offer because there should be either a P or D and comment
Talita 9th Dec 2013
Here are some sample participation forms - hope this helps.


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