Hi Leanne - Sundown syndrome is common in people suffering from dementia. Directing them to familiar activities may help disorientation. Here are some activities that may help, you may set up one at time or have two or three activities set up daily; depending on how many people you have to help with supervision.
Go to charity shops and buy lots of colourful children/babies clothes
Wash the clothes and place in a basket.
Place basket of clothes on a table and place two empty baskets nearby.
Ask resident to 'help' you sort the clothes by colour: white in one basket and colored into another.
Two basins with some warm water; one with soapy water.
Put dishes (unbreakable) in the soapy water basin.
I just transferred from being a CNA to Therapeutic Recreation. I am a Pinterest queen but needed new ideas. Thank you so much, this has helped me plan May's calendar with ease. Well worth the money and I can use the pictures to make new concentration games that my residents enjoy. Again thanks so much and I will be able to add some games myself