How do others have a resident's life style profiles presented? We have it as part of their care plan, but they are not well viewed or utilised. We have tried putting them out for staff reading. Does anyone do wall posters? Are there privacy issues around this?
Yes I have done wall posters ...including photos- but have always got family members signed permission before hand. I have also told them not to share with me info that they do not want displayed for staff and vistors to read. Has been very sucessful and valued by staff and residents.
we do a 'life board' with permission of family and resident. it has photos and brief history, pictures from magazines etc. for residents who don't want the life history board, we do a three point statements on their wall that serve as a conversation point for staff. these have a bright coloured triangle (instead of a dot) and then a brief statement eg: I was in the Navy, I have three children, I love dogs. During accreditation, the auditor's were very impressed with this :)
22nd Apr 2014
Thanks for your ideas. I like the 3 point statement idea.
Trish 11/4/14 you mention profiles on residents for activities for care plans . We do a activity participation for a month on a new resident .then we file it in their personal folder then for each participation they partake in we put it in our lifestyle activities folder so we can see how many time they participate and do a review every three to six months and compare with the care plan to see if the residents are enjoying the activities the we put on a calendar , each month we do up a calendar showing what actIvities are going to be on in the morning also just before lunch could be 1:1 or hand care. Then after lunch could be bingo or men's workshop or ladies pamper day . The activities need to be kept interesting have concerts with songs of the residents era. If you can't get some cheap performers the do it yourselves.have song sheet and music pref. 40s -50s 60s and some 70s and get up and sing and dance and muck around they love it . My partner and I had to once as our entertainment did not show. And the residents wanted more as they had a good time. From Helen a new member from WA. Mandurah
My residents thoroughly enjoy all the games I have been collecting from your page for them. Thank you! I am very grateful as I find it a great help to be able to log in and find all these wonderful games for them. Thank you so very much.
Patricia Hawkins Personal Care Assistant Australia