Not quite sure if I understand your question properly..but I had an Italian Day a few years ago. The kitchen cooked Italian food for lunch and we listened to Italian music while the residents ate.Leading up to the day I posted general information and photos about Italy on the walls around our facility. Since then I have purchased an iternet radio so that would also be good to tune into an Italian radio station. Is that what you meant?
Hi all, I have been playing "balloon tennis" for some time now using new flyswats as racquets - my residents have always enjoyed it and the flyswats are really cheaps to buy and can been washed as needed. Jeanette.
Hi Christina, What I have done in the past is to advertise in our small local newspaper. They are always looking for good news stories. I take photos of new projects (not the residents of course unless you have their permission)...could be setting up a garden, getting a new computer, new special activity,100th birthday, wedding aniversary etc At the end of the article I write...."and don't forget if you have a couple of hours spare and would like to come in and - read to residents, help them with e-mails, help with a craft activity etc etc. we would love to meet you.That way I get an advert with no cost and get my message out to the local community where all of my volunteers come from. Once I get them...I treat them like the gold that they are! Thank them regularly, tell them I couldnt do my job without them, how valuable they are to my residents,chat with them regularly....and I never ever let them go! Hope this may help...Good luck! Jeanette
I produce a calendar for the month too. I usually have one main activity in the morning and one in the afternoon but I always let staff know this is flexible. If I have scheduled card games and the residents would sooner play boardgames games or sit outside in the sunshine- thats what we do. I also have afternoons where I put on my calendar -one on one time with residents. I am also fortunate in that I have a lot of volunteers that come in and run the organised activity - leaving me free to spend one on one time with other residents not attending the scheduled activity.. I also try to leave a few activities out....jigsaws, therapy dolls sock pairing (see blog on ).hope this is helpful..
I truly appreciate this wonderful resource, it never fails to provide something meaningful to add to our activity schedule every month. I love to share our activities too in the hope of sharing the joy! Thank you!