Hi Effie, Would a writing board help this client to communicate or perhaps a coaster sized book of pictures for him to be able to point out what he is trying to convey such as a picture of a toilet or drinking cup. Just a thought.
Hi, I have read the above articles and am just wondering if it might help finding out a particular item this lady client keeps stating is missing, e.g. a watch and getting hold of a cheap one which might re-assure her or is this going to open up a can of worms?
I have also noticed that walking around also helps with their bowel routine and as most people know, when your bowels are sluggish then it can have an affect on you.
Golden Carers is my 'Right Hand Man'... I am ever so grateful for this website. Thank you to all who contribute... hopefully I will share some things myself soon.
Johnette Walker Activities Officer in an Aged Care Facility Australia
How to Respond to Challenging Behavior