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Lifestyle Support Officer From Australian Capital Territory, Australia

6 Comment

Christine 28th Jul 2012 Lifestyle Support Officer


Hi Sandra,
Most if not all facilities have a fund (comfort fund etc) which is the residents money held by the facility for the residents use. Any coffee, meals etc bought when out is paid from that fund. If the resident doesn't have a fund they need to pay for themselves. If the function is quite expensive e.g. a boat cruise we hold various in-house raffles and fund raisers to pay for it or at least supplement the cost. Don't plan anything involving too much walking as they usually are too tired for it. You might also want to try and build up a professional network with other RAO/DT in your area and exchange visits by the residents eg invite them to your facility for morning tea and have the favour returned. Also try and have your outings in the morning when everyone is rested and eager to do something different. Good luck! Christine
Christine 25th Jul 2012 Lifestyle Support Officer


Hi Solange,
I haven't had an opportunity to try your suggested activities yet. I am hesitant about military band music as many of our residents are Europeans who lived through WW2 and I don't want to bring up bad memories. I have however followed your suggestion of several short activities in succession and found that worked well. As per Marinas suggestion I also made 2 fiddle mats and a box of different textured material offcuts and toys (eg smallish toy dinosaurs) which have proved very popular. One very elderly lady who is in a lie back chair spent a fair bit of time feeling everything. Thanks for your help. Christine
Christine 19th Jul 2012 Lifestyle Support Officer


Hi Sandra,
I don't know what town you are in so I can't offer specific suggestions. However on a generic level, we have outings to tourist attractions eg in Canberra we go to Floriade. Also coffee shop for a cuppa, picnics in warm weather, museums eg fire brigade museum, Lookouts and an ice-cream,Botanic Gardens, anything with animals etc. Depending on the residents ability just go for a drive where they can stay in the bus and maybe get an ice-cream or drink. Sometimes Gardens and tourist attractions will allow you to drive through. Enjoy! Christine
Christine 17th Jul 2012 Lifestyle Support Officer


To Marina,
Thanks for the good ideas. I'm trying to get a couple of baby dolls from ebay. The main idea I'm going with are the fiddle objects. It is such a simple idea but I can see how good it will be for my residents. I do a lot of craft but as in most places the same people tend to participate. Leaving different objects around will help involve the others which is one of my main aims.
Christine 14th Jul 2012 Lifestyle Support Officer


Hi all,
I work as a RAO in Canberra, mainly in the special care unit (dementia). The residents mostly have advanced dementia . In addition a large number don't speak English very well if at all. I am in the process of setting up an area as their lounge room/activities room/ sensory area. Currently they tend o spend their day in their dining area only. I am needing activities they can participate in. Most are very limited in what they can do. I have surfed the net as well as pouring over activities on this site. I have encouraged playing music over the tv in the background but need to make their lives more interesting. We do have outings (even in Winter) but their are some who are at too much risk or too unwell to leave the centre. Any ideas greatfully accepted. Christine
Christine 14th Jul 2012 Lifestyle Support Officer

8 Tips for Planning Successful Dog Visits for Seniors

Hi Mandy,
check with your local
RSPCA. I'm a RAO in Canberra and we have 2 beautiful dogs visit once a month courtesy of RSPCA dog therapy. We get a great response from the residents and the dogs enjoy it as well. Christine