We have a Sensory Room the sign on the door was made by a resident using colors and sparkles. Be careful when selecting a resident for the room as not everyone likes the movement of lights particularly the ball hanging from the ceiling . also it is best to gradually introduce one thing at a time so as not to confuse even more. They are great though and hopefully we will use it more often once it is within main unit. Susan
Dear Solange. I always have good intentions of contributing to such a wonderful sight and feel I must at least reply to your lovely end of year reflection. You put together such fantastic thoughts and ideas and I am sure there are many of us lifestyle people out there who are much the wiser/ kinder for it. so thank you so much I do hope you can relax these holidays although we all know that as such our brains never switch off. So here's to a fantastic 2014 to you and everyone who reads the site, Remember that Florence Nightingale once said " Life is a precious gift there is nothing small about it. Live your life whilst you have " at 71, I intend to do just that. God Bless Susan Ps I am also a Red Hatter. .And boy is my life full. It means my husband can play as much bowls as he likes too!!
Di I was saddened by your story. I worked in a hospice before retiring and the holistic care is sadly not always possible in aged care. However I am once more back in the workforce where i very much enjoy my lifestyle role. I recently did a course on the Eden Alternative thanks to the generosity of our DON , Which is also very big in NZ, and one of the outcomes of the course was the following. The four of us who did the course came up with the thought that not only do staff need to say goodbye but also the residents. remembering that they have known that Elder for quite some time and are family . so when they pass away we set up a table in their memory with a photo , a card - for everyone to sign - which is then given to the family , and perhaps at times a momeneto of their life. ie a football scarf, a vase of flowers if they loved gardening etc, it also has a candle burning , I hasten to add it is one of the battery ones, this is there for only two to three days so as not become a shrine. Also the card is taken around to all the residents that knew that person and you would be amazed at the comments they write on the card, they are very appreciative of being told of the their friends passing and to be included . Instead of one day seeing an empty chair and wondering where that person is. I do wish you luck in NZ once your family committements lessen, and do look up places where the Eden Alternative is is place. you will find it very rewarding . Gods Bless Susan
Hi Catherine. Engaging late stage dementia elders is challenging. Sensory stimulation is a great tool. In regards to questions, I find that if you have a converstion with them, bringing in a question is not so challenging for them. Let me share with you a recent experience. A new relder came into our facility and I asked - in converstion - did you have any hobbies, to which she replied no I have had a hip replacement, this made me realise that she hadn\'t computed the question but then went on to say, I know all about those because I was a nurse. I then said yes I was a nurse and found that gardening was a great releif for me after work, the reply was yes I love gardening, So you see what I mean, and in our facility also we try and engage the elders in normal household chores, asking them to help you out as it would be a great help becaue you are so busy. This way they feel useful . Of course don\'t forget that what works one day may not work the next. Now I have a question on programming, . coming up for accreditation how do you set a programme when everyone is so different , I do put subject to change and add individual I would be interested to know how others faired when being accredited.
Iused to eblong to the WA Diversional Thrapy Ass, I did retire but have now gone back to work and work in a Dementia specific area of a Nursing home doing activities. I am looking for Australia Day activities as i have given all my referance books away. Are you Diversional Therapists
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Snoezelen Rooms and Sensory Environments for Dementia Care
the sign on the door was made by a resident using colors and sparkles.
Be careful when selecting a resident for the room as not everyone likes the movement of lights particularly the ball hanging from the ceiling .
also it is best to gradually introduce one thing at a time so as not to confuse even more.
They are great though and hopefully we will use it more often once it is within main unit.