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Recreation Therapist/Caregiver From Auckland, New Zealand

3 Comment

Carol 17th Jun 2013 Recreation Therapist/Caregiver

When you find out the answer to this, please print it or send it out, we also have clients like this and its a real problem for the other residents as well.
Carol 16th Sep 2012 Recreation Therapist/Caregiver


Have you tried folding tea towels and putting them in a basket or sorting a basket of socks? It works where I am, also making pom poms with wool might work.
Carol 18th Jul 2012 Recreation Therapist/Caregiver


Good day
Please can you give me an idea how to make a FIDDLE board for a dementia patient who loves mechanical things, I am thinking of screws, hooks, things he could 'play with'. Things which would be safe for him and others. All ideas welcome.
Thank you. Carol McKellar (member)