Hi can anybody out there advise me on a good site or educational video on sexuality in aged care mainly for staff but also residents. Has anyone had to address this, how did it go. need to be Australian so we can cover what the agency requires. Many thank in advance Brian Hansell northern NSW.
Hi Jessie have been doing this for a while converting previous care plans was a big job. but boss gave me help. So basically we write in the first person, for instance instead of Bob likes to shower in the mornings, it's now I like to shower in the mornings, Bob was born 2 Feb 1928. I was born 2 Feb 1928 my parent are I have one brother. Also we are doing 3 monthly care plan reviews same. was Bob still enjoying activities on offer, now I am enjoying the activities I choose. Hope you get the idea. If I can help further send message. Regards Brian
Hi Bronwyn . we here have had same issue. we had a fate that our resident like to partisipate usualy we have a sing a long. but this this time we did did a couple of skits relating to songs, like hole in bucket, daisy daisy, frog went a courting, all short but funny. Good luck Brian
Hi Tracie you an get an old lawnmower engine from your local mower service center get them to clean it up can then put on table and spanners and sockets fun for hours.
Hi everyone I'm the lifestyle officer at a privately owned aged care facility in northern NSW. Recently had a visit from the agency, were with us for a week went though every thing with a fine tooth comb as a consequence every section did not meet the expected out comes, lot of work to do! In my 12 years at this facility I have never known then to be this ruthless, 8 months ago on their previous visit we passed all 44 standards. has anyone experienced the same scrutiny. I get the feeling that the department has an agender. Thanks Brian
Hi everyone a while ago I saw a post from someone who mentioned a hospital art program that was run out of Urunga nsw Australia, It mentioned free printed canvases and supplies can anynoe help . Thanks Brian
Hi Karin would also be interested sound like a great idea both email and snail mail, we are a small facility in country New South Wales Australia. My contact is [email protected]. Hope to hear soon. Regards Brian.
Hi Mel I'm doing the same at the moment from scratch , big job! the form I'm using is our own don't know if its the same everywhere but here is the breakdown. activity. date was the venue suitable were there adequate resourses people and equipment was the length of activity suitable to the residents abilities & needs did the the residents enjoy the activity(rated 1-5 1 being most enjoyable) could the activity be improved if so how all yes or no with comments. Is reviewed every 6 months but I think as with my care plan reviews just document they have been reviewed and no changes needed or record any changes. hope this helps.
Hi Bronwyn' have you thought of doing your own, We had a similar problem here with our residents tired of same old sing alongs so we got together and as a group made up new sing-a long books that process in its self was a great activity , when Christmas came around it was suggested that we write our own play rather than the same old nativity play so again we got together and made up our own. being in Australia and all so in a small community we had a great time reminiscing about Christmas as kids, family arguments, and lots of funny instant sis people had experienced and put a few together as an aussie Christmas lunch, it was alot of fun not only for the residents also the family's got a good laugh as well. Good luck
Thank you for many years of wonderful ideas that you have given me through Golden Carers. Your ideas and opportunities for networking with other activities people have been a great resource for me to access. Wishing your wonderful organisation all the best.
Has anyone had to address this, how did it go.
need to be Australian so we can cover what the agency requires.
Many thank in advance Brian Hansell northern NSW.