Thank you so much Susan. It sounded like an amazing month of getting ready. Having that many Lifestyle staff must have a huge impact on the activities you can offer.
13th Aug 2014
Recreational Activity Officer
I am very interested in this activity. I would like to know how much time Susan and the other lifestyle team spent in the preparation of this activity. Was it all done in work hours?
4th Aug 2014
Recreational Activity Officer
Hi Danielle Sorry haven't got back to you with details of entertainers. Can you ring me on my mobile, 0413 184 181 leave a message if I do not answer and I will get back to you.
11th Jun 2014
Recreational Activity Officer
Hi Danielle, What part of Sydney are you in? What type of budget do you have for entertainers? Some entertainers do not wish to travel too far. Patricia
7th Jun 2014
Recreational Activity Officer
1) I work with residents in low care (until 1st July). I have been doing a cognitive activity of "Rebus" puzzles. Some of my residents are starting to get the hang of doing these and enjoy them. I am looking for more Rebus puzzles that I do not have to pay for. I s anyone able to suggest books from libraries or websites ( already have some websites)? 2) I also the the 9 target word square out of the Sydney Morning Herald (same page as crosswords). Residents enjoy this. I have used one web site but the answers were very strange. Can anyone make suggestions please? Thanks Trishe
18th Feb 2014
Recreational Activity Officer
We do similar card bingo, but use all the suits in a pack of cards. Residents turn the cards over if they have the card and suit that is called out. Winner receives a pack of small chips or a small chocolate.
Residents who have problems lifting the cards off the table I have purchased rolls of spongy plastic (cut it into the size required).Sold at Hot Dollar or any of the bargain stores. It creates a space between the table and the cards and residents can easily lift cards off the table
2nd Feb 2014
Recreational Activity Officer
Hi Deirdre, my current pay rate is $18.84 an hr. We had EBA (work placement agreement) to go into place sometime this year. If we are lucky enough we might be paid over the magical $19 something an hr. We were told we should be grateful for this increase.
23rd Dec 2013
Recreational Activity Officer
My low care residents enjoyed making these. They look absolutely wonderful on the residents tables. I used a hot glue gun to attach gold stamens in the middle. One of my residents suggested we should use cardboard to glue under the main petals to make the decoration more solid.
I've always enjoyed using Golden Carers, especially This Day in History and Armchair Travel. I love how you have the site organized and it looks amazing!
Cheryl Poulin Life Enrichment Coordinator United States
Armchair Travel: A Sensory Experience for Seniors