Our facility has happy hours as well. - they usually have entertainment eg. Harmonica Band, or play music ie: bing Crosby or something later works well kate
Hi Heather, yes our facility have 4 IPads to start with. One lady uses her's all the time, Skypes etc , loves it. Taking a little longer to convince others to have a go but they are asking questions so that's a good start. You have interesting App's listed, must give them ago. Thank you
I'm just wondering how may Lifestyle staff have volunteers to help them with activities, setting up etc Our volunteers have decreased and we really notice the work load; lot of work for one person just interested. Still love my role :)
Thank you for Chinese New Year ideas. Made these for the residents as they are busy making items for local Show, they were curious, some had a read, its good to acknowledge other customs & cultures
We really enjoyed ourselves!! This web-site is the BEST. I have set aside the other resources at my facility since I discovered Golden Cares. I am so thankful for all the work that has gone into this site. It makes my life as a recreation coordinator enjoyable. Thank you
Rebecca LuAllen Activities Assistant In LTC United States