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Pet Therapist From New South Wales, Australia

1 Comment

Stephanie 22nd Jan 2013 Pet Therapist

8 Tips for Planning Successful Dog Visits for Seniors

Hi Everyone
I have a King Charles Cavalier called Harry he works with me at Scalabrini Village in Griffith. He sits on the residents walkers and they push him around to take him for a walk. He walks beside the wheel chairs and the residents hold the lead while I push the wheel chair. He attends church with the residents he also is involved in the pallitive care which seems to be calming for both resident and family members. He sits on a chair at the table and watches the bingo games. Some even say he brings them luck. Harry has been working at Scalabrini for the last 5 years and now his sister also goes and helps out. Working with Pet Therapy and training the dogs is very rewarding. I have worked with challenging behaviours and the dogs are wonderful. Harry is my dog and I trained him. He was with me through cancer treatment and I relised that he had a gift. He also works with people with disabilities. He is very much loved at Scalabrini and has attended the Aged Care Expo. I travel with Harry 160km one way once a week to Scalabrini. Some may ask.. why? its simple, the smiles and the reactions we get when we walk through the doors from family members staff and residents is wonderful and I am very proud the be part of the Pet Therapy program.