Hi Dianne, I do a cooking activity twice a month, alternating between sweet and savory. I keep it to 1/12 hours in total. I try to make sure that once it goes into the oven it only takes about 1/2 an hour. my residents all enjoy watching the food being prepared and of course eating the finished product. We reminisce about cooking in the " old days". There are plenty of quick and easy recipes on google. My group can be anywhere up to 25-30 people. You can try old favourites or food from other cultures. Good luck and have fun.
Hi Maria, congratulations on getting your job, you are entering into a very special world. Be yourself and enjoy what you do and your residents will pick up on your positivity. For the residents you spoke about, you could try reading to them or ask their families for photographs. Find a quiet place and let the memories flow, talk about their childhood, their families, what it was like growing up. Share your own stories, they love to really get to know you. But remember they don't need to share your problems, this will only give them cause to worry, so keep it light, keep it interesting and you will see progress. Good luck and Merry Christmas. If you have any questions my email is ... [email protected]
Hi Luisa , Christmas can be a stressful time for any care worker. If you be yourself, keep it light and bright and enjoy what you do , it will transfer to your resident. Good luck, enjoy what you do and know you are making a difference to vulnerable peoples lives, well done to you. Merry Christmas.
Hi Sherlene, can't speak the U.S. but in Australia they certainly are as it provides the opportunity for the Residents to reminisce , socialise and to have fun. Your interim needs to pull their head in and let you do the job your paid to do. Good luck. And at this time of year, the Home Alone movies are a hoot. Merry Christmas.
You could try making some jigsaw boards, that way you don't have to pack away each meal time. 3 ply plywood with a small timber beading around the edge.600 x 900 would be suitable. they can even sit at their chair and do them. Good luck.
Can you try to enlist some volunteers to assist you. you could try the local churches, seniors groups or men's shed.
music , singing, memory boards. watch them react and smile. then your job is done. there will always be nay Sayers about people with dementia but you will find the hidden spark and the joy will be yours.
You will need to note who or how many attended, weather it was successful, were your residents happy with the outcome. Did they state they would like to do it again. It also helps if you record the steps and requirements to hold the activity , as in equipment, setting up the area. If it is an outside activity you will also have to do a safety audit and facilities check. I hope this helps.
Have you asked them what would interest them. I work in an age care facility in Australia and I have a group of ladies who knit Trauma Teddies, they give these to the police, ambulance and the local hospital's pathology dept. for when they have frightened children. They also knit cot blankets bonnets , booties and mittens for the maternity ward as well as beanies or hats for the children's ward. Maybe by being creative and giving to their community you may inspire them. They could even make it a group activity and you could take some of your Sisters to deliver them. Keep on trying even if you increase participation by just one, more will follow. Good luck and keep up the good work.
work place bullying, intimidation and rough treatment of residents are all reportable offences. You may have a case against this staff member or at least you might mention these facts to her .you are not there for her to enhance her own feelings of power. stand her up on her actions and make it known you are in charge of your department not her. just make sure you are working to policy. there is no place for this sort of behaviour especially in front of residents. Maybe a face to face mediation.
In the past we have had many staffers say, Oh you just do cups of tea and concerts, wish I had your job. Then some have had the opportunity to actually do the job and their opinions change very quickly. Remember to mention the care and love you give these people, the shoulder to cry on , the ear to listen. you are not just there to do a job you are part of their lives, a friend, family a familiar face.
Golden Carers is a phenomenal and creative resource of activities for the senior population and people with dementia. They also provide resources and support for the caregiver too. I liked all the different types of activities that were available. You could pick and choose from a plethora of items the activities appropriate for your group. Keep on doing what you are doing. So many people's lives have been touched and improved by your website. Your website is a blessing to many organisations.