Always ask for a discount, take your staff id card etc and explain that you have a limited budget and could the store please help. Some stores may give up to 25% discount - as a 'donation'. Make sure you thank them in your newsletter etc too.
Start taking photos of residents now, and utilize online coupons and deals, like vistaprint. Get a mug etc printed with their picture. Or frame a lovely photo of them with something they love doing in the center.
I have previously had to provide 120 gifts for retired volunteers for very little $$. Think outside the square sometimes helps. It's the thought that counts.
Just out of curiosity - how many hours does each resident average AND is there a recommended amount anywhere? (residential care) eg: number of lifestyle hours per week divided by the number of residents. (eg 2 full time staff @38 hours per week = 76 hours of lifestyle divided by 75 residents = just over 1 hour per resident each week) Happy to hear any / all opinions. Thanks
I need some advice on placement of a piano in a Dementia unit. Space is limited, and it currently sits (unused) in a corner of the dining room - great for stacking resources on and that's about all. The only other space is in the lounge room - along a wall, with a tv and fish tank. My thought was to move it in there and make it nice with a few floral arrangements (silk) on it. Also, I have a low care resident that plays piano and has agreed to come visit with me to tinkle on the keys. Do you think this is a good new home? Advice please. (typically the tv is just put on constantly and that's the limit of the leisure time there, I am only new, so moving softly softly).
We currently use a monthly form, (by 80 residents) but I am thinking a daily form with each resident on that form would be more productive. It would use less paper, and you would be able to check off each activity daily as you go. Also good for viewing what activities are well attended or not. Opinions please welcome.
I just wanted to say thank you for all you do to help me and others in my field! The support of your resource has been even more important during COVID and I am so, so thankful. Also thank you for creating a Spanish version of This Day in History!!! I recommend you to my colleagues any chance I get.
Hannah Voelker Life Enrichment Director United States
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