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Activities & Volunteer Coordinator From Victoria, Australia

1 Activity

11 Comment

Karin 28th Jan 2015 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator


Hi. I was wondering if anyone runs a shopping bus for their in-house residents (not independent living). If you do, could you share with me please who runs the shopping trip with the residents (volunteer or trained PCA) and what ratio? Maybe any policies? We run one with a volunteer and over the years our residents needs have changed. I'd like to know how other homes do it if they run something like this. Thanks. Karin
Karin 31st Jul 2014 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator


Hi. I am about to purchase an iPad for our facility and I was wondering if anyone has any tips about purchasing a cover for it that is resident and in particular, residents living with dementia, friendly!
I have searched the net but only come up with overseas companies selling for handicapped people.
Karin 3rd Feb 2014 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

Winter Olympic Games Morning

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Olympic Games Morning
Karin 30th Jan 2014 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator


Hi Debbie

I am running a complete Winter Olympic Games Morning, we will be decorating the room in Winter theme (snow man and all). We divide our residents into three teams (red, blue and Green - countries dont work for us as we are a German Aged Care facility with 100% german residents!). Each team has a go at a 'disipline" making sure all members get moved around the room to each area. It is a big day and requires lots of helpers - team leader and assistant for each colour, individual "disipline" coordinator, and if you have an assistant for them to pick up balls etc, and normally me, overseer and I try not to be responsible for one group, as I tend to constantly help where needed in the moment, and also act as "watergirl" for drinks half way through!

Each team member get a coloured ribbon around their neck which has at the bottom a small square of cardboard - this will become the medallion after we have completed the games and score 1st, 2nd and 3rd. I have pre printed stickers to place on them. It also helps you see quickly who is in which team!

We have come up with games we used for Melbourne Cup and the last oylmpics but given them winter themes.

1) Bobsleding - collect square bottles (they type that are popular at the moment with fruit juice in them). Fill a bit with sand for weight, screw back on the lid and tie a long cord to the bottle The cord is attached to a cardboard roll (as in empty gladwrap or paper towel roll). The idea is to pull the bottle along the ground rolling up the cord on the roll. Now print out some colouring in images of bobsled team, colour them in with the residents, attach to the bottle and you have a bobsled race ready to go!

2) To have a snow ball throwing competition get snowballs - the white polystyrene balls you get at the craft shops - 5 empty margarine containers (thanks kitchen) with the five colours of the olympic rings around the tops. Residents each get a ball marked in their team colour and have to try to get the ball into the containers - each ball is worth a point. A round table works good, but a long one does too. Balls do tend to escape - so extra hand to collect are good, and keep this one off the beaten track to avoid OHS issues with unstable residents. But its loud and fun!

3) Ice Hockey - is basically golf - but the balls are white!! I tried to find some pukes to use, but couldn't source any. We have a big board with holes cut along the bottom into which you need to putt the ball through to score the points as marked above the holes. I use this for all sorts of game events, and is particulary popular with the men.

4) Curling - we are blessed to own a long board that is a bit like the golf board above but made for table use. There are discs that slide along this long board and you can get them through 5 various "holes" at the other end, each with a score above it. We have covered the discs with a picture of curling.

5) Snow flake throwing - reused idea from Melbourne Cup and Oktoberfest - on beer coasters we glue on pictures of snow flakes and each team member has to flick the coaster towards the end of the table were there is a container. Get it in the container - big points, other wise there are lines on the table and depending on how close you get the more point you earn.

At the end we get the groups back together in a circle and have a "silent quizz" The quizz master asks questions and together the team works out the answer and it gets written down by the team leaders. At the end we see who got the most right. I do this also because in this time I am adding up the scores from the disiplines on a white board. At the end of the quizz is the big reveal, "medal" handed out (stuck onto the cardboard) and of course chocolate prizes for everyone!
It's a big day to organise, but everyone loves the competition. It is loud, lots of action, great exercise and they talk about it for weeks on end.
Hope I have been of some help.
Good Luck
Karin 30th Jan 2014 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator


I have organised for a ballroom dancing couple to come in and perform for us and in the last 20 minutes to get the residents up and dancing or do wheelchair dancing. I did it last year for mothers day and it was an absolute hit! We discovered we had some ex dancing living with us!
Karin 15th Jan 2014 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

International Flag Decorations

Also one from Palestine?
Karin 15th Jan 2014 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

International Flag Decorations

This is great! I've printed them out and getting my volunteers to sit and colour with the residents. But as an added twist, when I hang them up I am going to put a flip cover over the names of the countries so everyone can have a guess at the flags origins before they check to see if they have it right!
Could you possibly make up flags for me from Hungary, Austria, Netherlands, & Switzerland? Thanks
Karin 9th Sep 2013 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator


Once again the AFL Grand Final is looming - and I get to organise the special happy hour on the Friday before. I am no AFL fan, so hoping someone might have some ideas on what we can do to make this an exciting event! I already get the staff to come in their teams colours, have a ball through the hole throwing comp, and quiz.
Any suggestions gratefully received!
Karin 21st Aug 2013 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

Homemade Cards for Mother's Day

We're making the flower pot and flowers now for spring. The residents will be able to take them "home" and put them up in their rooms or on their doors (gotta love bluetak!)
Karin 5th Aug 2013 Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

Hi Chantal
I know 2 companies, but they are in Victoria - you are in NSW?