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Diversional therapy team leader From Queensland, Australia

9 Comment

Jacqueline 20th Sep 2016 Diversional therapy team leader

Armchair Travel: A Sensory Experience for Seniors

We are lucky enough to have Apple TV through out our facility so we have armchair travel with our volunteers becoming involved and assisting to make it a great experience for our residents. We have traveled through Peru, Malta, Italy, Mexico and Holland this year. These days always spark lots of conversation between the residents about the travels they have taken in their lives. We have had residents point out the places they lived, one resident saw the street she lived in as a child. There are lots of great travel documentaries on YouTube.
Jacqueline 22nd Sep 2015 Diversional therapy team leader


One of the things we have just started with some of our more physical men that dont want to be involved in most other things is window cleaning, we bought a couple of squigges and buckets and away they go. we are lucky enough that our secure unit is on ground level and we have an internal garden. They are loving it and we do it in the afternoons so we are finding that it helps with the whole sundowing process as well.
Jacqueline 24th Mar 2015 Diversional therapy team leader

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Easter egg bingo hunt
Jacqueline 24th Mar 2015 Diversional therapy team leader

Activities for the Baby Boomer Generation

Not sure we are ready for this yet I am a baby boomer and I am still working and living in my own home. most Baby boomer are not quite 70 yet so in our current society most are still working. Most of our retiement village residents are well into their 80 and 90's. I think in 10 years time we will certainly be addressing this as Diversional therapist but most of what is listed we do or have with our current residents.
Jacqueline 30th Sep 2014 Diversional therapy team leader

Doll Therapy and Dementia

I am still sitting on the fence with doll therapy. I have seen it work very successfully for some residents but I have also seen it back fire and become another behaviour issue. I think as Diversional therapists we need to ensure that we have assessed the person correctly for this therapy, ensure that staff and family are on board with it before we try it. At the end of the day if you have a calm content resident then it was the right thing to do. I like the term Nuture therapy rather that Doll therapy.
Jacqueline 30th Jul 2014 Diversional therapy team leader

15 Activities for Loners and Introverts in Senior Care

Yes our residents partake in most of those activites loner or not but one of the things that we do for our residents that prefer their own company is find a like minded volunteer to spend some time with them and encourage them to start the journey of telling their lifestory.
This often results in that person and the volunteer being very good friends. We our lucky to have our own coffee shop so that the resident and the volunteer will enjoy their conversation and friendship in that environment.
Jacqueline 25th Feb 2014 Diversional therapy team leader

Sensory Stimulation for Dementia Care

One of the things I use for sensory stimulation is bubbles lots of fun but good for eye movement and getting the residents to blow the bubbles is good for the lungs (inhale exhale). the ones you can get at National geographic are the best as they don't pop as quick.
Jacqueline 30th Jan 2014 Diversional therapy team leader

Left & Right Game - Christmas

Yes I played this game last year for Valentines day with a version of a love story and the residents thought it was great fun at the end they all had a have-a-heart ice cream.
Jacqueline 9th Oct 2013 Diversional therapy team leader

8 Tips for Planning Successful Dog Visits for Seniors

We have Delta dogs come visit us for our pet therapy programe at present we have 4 dogs per week come in and spend time with our residents. It is very successful and the local prison sponsors the programme. We also have a huge fish tower that is bright an active with fish and great for residents visual sensory stimulation this also is sponsored by the local prison.