Pirate Theme Day looks very interesting,I was cleaning out our cupboard and found a box of Pirate decorations. Thanks to Golden Cares I now have all the items I need to make a great theme day at work,going to bring this to my manger attention I'm sure she will be pleased with this. Thanks again the amount of people you help is outstanding.
Thanks for these great ideas your site is the best. I will be doing all of the games with my team members in our nursing home,I'm sure this is going to bring lots of laughter to all. One last thing thank you for your recent help.
Would like some more ides on theme days, I have just recently put on a BBQ with residents all siting outside & enjoying our beautiful gardens with music playing in the background. Another staff member bought some of her pets & children in all went very well. This left residents talking about this for days. Since than I have put on Hawaiian Day, ParisTrip,Mad Hatters Party next week we are of to North Africa e of our cooks would like to help me out with food being moroccan. Each theme has all the decorations and music to suite the theme.your idea of Western party and going to sound really great so I'm going to do this thank you for all the good ideas I'll let you know how I go .if anyone else has got any other ideas of theme days I would be interested to hear from you
At our site we don't let residents make their coffee in case they burn themselfs ( workplace and healthy laws) they are all very content with this. If they did have to make it themselfs it wouldn't get used.
Hello, I'm looking for a template for activities for the month. Would you be able to help out as this would be helpful as I'm doing my Cert IV course and would like to make an Activities Programe up for the month.
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