Member Profile:


Diversional Therapist From Tasmania, Australia

2 Activities

9 Comment

Margaret 17th Mar 2020 Diversional Therapist


1. We are soon to go into lockdown and there will be additional stresses to deal with in the work place for both staff and residents. For my wellbeing as well as that of residents I have looked at several meditation apps and will be doing some guided meditations for relaxation and de- stressing. One on one with residents.
2. Looking at doing information about a different country each week- with word search on the country, make a word, colouring in about the country and a few quiz questions.
3. Lots of sorting activities for resident living with dementia, colour sorting with paint colour swatches from paint stores, sorting out packs of playing cards, leaving clothes and fabric for residents to sort. All things that can be washed or sanitized - or left with the individual.
4. Making a Bored Board or folder containing word searches, colouring, spot the difference etc so that care staff have something to give the residents when they say I am bored.
Margaret 5th Feb 2019 Diversional Therapist

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: World Day of Prayer
Margaret 5th Feb 2019 Diversional Therapist

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: World Day of Prayer
Margaret 5th Sep 2017 Diversional Therapist

World Animal Day Church Service

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: World animal day church service
Margaret 5th Sep 2017 Diversional Therapist

Kitten Therapy

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Kitten therapy
Margaret 2nd Jun 2015 Diversional Therapist

Enhancing the Senior Living Experience with Pets

i am Activity coordinator and adpoted an 11 year old West Highland Terrier called Bede 7 months ago from the RSPCA. He comes to work with me. He is my responsibility.
I am passionate about the benifits of having animals in aged care.
The following shows why
Comment from resident 7/1/15
Mrs X called me aside in the Lovell dining room to thank me for bringing the dog Bede to work with me.
"It is good just to see him around, it makes me feel good anyway and all the people say they like him. Thanks for bringing him to work with you, it makes it more like a home.

Bede at work November 2014
A resident is this week going through significant changes in her dementia.
When she first came to live in the home three years ago she was very bright, she had her small dog, a white Maltese X . Eventually a staff member took the old dog home when the resident could no longer manage her. The dog died aged fourteen.
During this last week the resident has been confused as to time, place, who people are, who she and is thus very anxious and does not settle for more than a few minutes at a time.
Yesterday as her mobility has declined staff brought her along to a concert she used to enjoy. One of the staff sat with her but still she was anxious and unsettled.
I went and got Bede and with him on my knee facing her I sat next to her.
Immediately she began talking quieter about the lovely little dog. She leaned towards Bede and patted him gently. Her eyes focused on his face, her hand went back to her lap. She continued to look into Bede's eyes. For his part Bede leaned forward and gave her nose a gentle lick. She looked at me then and said proudly "the little dog likes me".
For the next 25 mins till the concert ended she gazed at Bede's face. Not once did she look at the entertainers or anything else. In her confusion she had found a point of stability, she had found a body memory of a little white dogs love. Her breathing slowed, her body and her mind had found peace for a time.
After the concert I told her I was taking Bede to the garden while we served afternoon tea. She didn't mind, she understood that dogs like to go to the garden.
20 mins later when I wheeled her back to her room she was still relaxed and settled.
It was a small moment when Bede met the Lady, when their eyes linked but it gave her unconditional acceptance and peace. A very precious gift indeed.

Bede at work February this year - After lunch myself and Bede were going to the office when Bede took a detour, he went into the room of a resident who has begun the final journey. Bede walked into his room and sat down. Two of the residents family were sitting, one either side of the bed. They told the resident that Bede had come in for a visit.
The resident who is on a morphine drip did not respond. The family asked me to put Bede on the bed. Which I did, Bede remained calm and went into the drop position, the family member told the resident that Bede was on the bed.
Nothing happened. Stillness. Bede continued to sit, then the residents hand reached out to Bede and without opening their eyes the resident began to stroke Bede’s head over and over. The other hand reached out and again patted Bede. This went on for a few minutes, just an everyday action but now imbued with so much meaning. The family members cried, I cried and Bede remained totally centred within the union of himself and the dying resident.

Margaret 8th Feb 2015 Diversional Therapist


Hi Julianne, i err on the side of safety and take three staff for 3 wheelchairs and 11 ambulant, for lunch outings where residents are getting off the bus.
the reason i take three is after an episode of bowel incontinance on the bus- two staff were needed to deal with her and reassure her in a park pubilc toilet, and another to use the infection control spills kit on the bus.
recently in Tasmania a resident choked and died at a lunch outing to a hotel- so planning for every eventuality is very much in my mind at the moment.
i also take three bags with things we might need,

First Aid Kit
Spills Kit
Towels and flannel
Butter menthols – in side pocket of fawn bag
Water individual small bottles
Plastic Cups
Disposable Bowl Vomit x6
Plastic Aprons
Wet Wipes
Pads/ disposable pants
Spare Pants
Spare Top
Sun Hats and Glasses
Sweetner for diabetics – in side pocket of fawn bag
Plastic Bags for disposal of items contaminated by body fluid
Margaret 3rd Feb 2015 Diversional Therapist

8 Tips for Planning Successful Dog Visits for Seniors

does anyone have a pet policy that they are allowed to share please.
i have adopted a 10 yr old Westie who comes to work with me, but i need to develop a policy.
Margaret 13th Jan 2015 Diversional Therapist


If he is able to
give him some magazines to cut recipes out of and make a recipe scrap book. Get him to research history of particular food, eg Apples and then have a Apple day, cooking apple cakes, or muffins, pikelets with strewed apple in, apple juice, old apple box label and quiz.
it would give him a purpose if he is able to focus.