Find out from family what the person use to do at that time maybe a bar man,set up a bar sceane,Mummy bathing kids set up a bath scene with a doll and a kitchen.Sport activies for men.All very nice strategies set above however all missing the pointFamiliar routines they use to do before their ailments.
Do you not understand Dementia its not attention,every person that hits out that has dementia does it for reason,the way staff approach her,doesn't understand what is being asked of her?She may have grief that hasn't been acknowledged now she's locked their with it.Not knowing why she feels horrible,scared calling for the one person made her feel good a very familiar name.Everytime she calls out to her hubby its the 1st time,to her she isnt aware that she has called his name 100+ times before.Patience is the only key to caring for ppl with dementia.Having worked 30+ years in aged care I can honestly tell you that.
You do not need a template just use micro soft publisher or net ask each person what they like include person's name then up load pix print out on a4 then laminate.If a particilar person is pc savy maybe they can do it for you.
I just transferred from being a CNA to Therapeutic Recreation. I am a Pinterest queen but needed new ideas. Thank you so much, this has helped me plan May's calendar with ease. Well worth the money and I can use the pictures to make new concentration games that my residents enjoy. Again thanks so much and I will be able to add some games myself
Intrusive Behavior Care Plan Sample