Member Profile:


Supervisor From Western Australia, Australia

4 Comment

Christine 29th Oct 2018 Supervisor

How to make horses for the ‘Race Horse’ game:

What are the instructions on how to play this game. Do you need dice etc. Please let me know so that I can play this game with my residents.
Christine 26th Apr 2017 Supervisor

Gardening for Men

I work in residential care. The residents are confined to wheelchairs and floating chairs they are unable to walk. They also have severe dementia. I am finding it difficult to find activities for them, most of the time they are asleep. Please can somebody help me with interesting activities to motivate my resis'
Christine 13th Apr 2017 Supervisor

Creative Thinking Exercises

Hello I am the activity coordinator in a residential care unit. My Residents are all elderly ranging from 73 years to 101years and high care and are of high dementia and unable to physically & mentally participate in many quizzes & games . Many of them are unable to see which makes many of them reluctant to participate in any activities. I try to reassure them by reading to them and use of pampering sessions, lots of hugs & social chatting to them only for short periods as they seem to get very tired listening to me or unable to hear. I have provided lovely touchy feely smelling & listening activities from this site. If anyone has any ideas to pass on I would appreciate it.
Christine 20th Oct 2016 Supervisor

Two Minute Activities for Dementia Care

In my job we are not allowed to hug client's it is against the policy of the organisation that I work in. The client has to initiate the touch or hug. This system has become very sad because many clients like a hug from their carers from time to time.