Once again golden carers have practical ideas that bring inspiration to us all who work in aged care. Thanks golden carers for providing and sharing your knowledge.
Assisting with falls prevention through exercise and fun and games supports our residents to remain active, independent and safe. I' ve been working with a falls risks resident for the last six weeks with great results in reducing her falls at certain times of the day. Providing more social and cognitive activities have reduced her boredom and increased interest in group activities. I'm hoping to show our activities team that exercise and fun activities do make a difference. Thanks golden carers for re inforcing my thoughts on this subject.
We also completed the heart with decorative ribbons ,lace, printed papers to make a very pretty heart. All residents that participated in this activity was delighted with their efforts. Found this activity provided achievable goals and a great small group activity. We used as part of decoration for our Mothers Day High Tea. Agree with Alison the size of heart is good size.
Contact your local church groups, ask them to provide religious items .Eg catholic church may provide a bible ,prayer books that can be read to clients or family members, rosary beads.Recently a member from our local community has provided magazines information to assist with palliative in accordance with a persons cultural & spiritual beliefs and background. Ring a round your community. Contact pastoral carers from different religious backgrounds. Their support may help provide a very personal understanding of end of life wishes . Have found members of Jehovah Witness, Catholic church, Anglican Church, Seven Day Adventists all Helpful. Make Individual Boxes for Each Denominations
12 Joyful Activities to Inspire Laughter