Member Profile:


Lifestyle assistant From Victoria, Australia

4 Comment

Andrea 14th Jun 2016 Lifestyle assistant


Can anyone recommend seated exercise DVDs that don't look like they were filmed in the 80's preferably with no accents?
Andrea 7th May 2016 Lifestyle assistant


Our resident participation records are currently manual, I would like to change to recording electronically so I am more able to 'slice and dice' information in terms of individual participation and evaluation of activities.

Does anyone have any existing excel template they would be happy to share?
Andrea 7th Mar 2016 Lifestyle assistant


Is anyone able to share their gentle exercise routines? I have been using the same one (written by a physio) for awhile but am keen to get some other ideas to provide a bit of variety.
Andrea 24th Feb 2016 Lifestyle assistant


I work in a large facility spread over 4 floors and our main challenge is spending time getting residents to activities. I'm interested to hear what others do to gather people in a timely way.