We hold a "Morning Wake-Up": -Day/weather/etc. -stretching/simple exercises to go along w/the seasons *reaching for snowflakes, picking apples, chopping wood, etc. We have some really fun creative ones. *balloon toss or ball toss (into a basket -Short reminisce story along w/simple trivia
Golden Carers is AMAZING! We use it everyday in one capacity or another. It has assisted to make our jobs easier as well stepping up our activities! Thank you for all the materials and resources, keep up the GREAT work!
We are very excited for National Nursing Home Week and I wanted to share out week with you all. In the U.S. the national theme is "Living Soulfully." Monday; we are opening with an entertainer in the morning, and in the afternoon we are holding a "Fellowship Social." Tuesday is "Goat Yoga and Companion Pet Day." We have goats coming in the morning and a yoga instructor. At noon right before lunch we will have some "Pet Jokes." In the afternoon we are having visiting pets. Wednesday is "Nature Day." We are creating nature prints in the morning and rock painting in the afternoon. For those is are unable to participate we have some beautiful nature videos played to music. Thursday is "Kindness Day." We are passing out carnations to all the residents, church service in the morning and Kindness hearts in the afternoon. Friday is "Fun Friday." We have "Buffalo Animal Adventures" coming in. At noon its Funny Jokes and at 2:00 it "Build Your Own Sundaes."
We do a "Morning Wake-up" program, we start by telling what day it is, the weather, etc. Then to music they stretch using the following; "stretch high up in the tree for an apple." Climb the ladder, make it rain, move your arms with the wind...etc. They love it! You can make up your own fun ones to keep them going. Then we go around the circle and do a balloon toss. We read a very short story, end with some deep breathing and lastly hands alive (lotion hands.) It really works, but the person leading has to be full of life! :)
Have you tried portable music he likes with head phones? We have one gentleman who punches holes in paper with a 3 hole punch; he thinks its his job. We have one gentleman who hold a baby doll; he thinks its his grandchild. Have you heard of companion pets, there are cats and dogs who are interactive and our residents love them. Hope this was helpful :)
I have "Celebrating January Birthday" parties. I invite whomever wants to come. We sing, have cake, announce Birthdays, do some January trivia and socialize. I do hang a banner. I hold it usually the 1st day of the month.
We set up music videos/sing-a-longs in the morning and do hands alive, one-to-one balloon toss. The staff rotates between the two units where residents cannot do for themselves. In the afternoon we have church groups come in. On one Sunday we do not have a church group to come in so I have DVD's from a church in town and we gather the residents together to watch.
Hello everyone. I am the Director of Activities in a country facility. We hold our activities on our wings in the dining rooms. On one of my units I have a mixture of residents from alert and oriented to unable to do anything. I have one Activity Leader for the unit and am in need of some fresh ideas for morning programs.
I have been in this field for close to 15 years. I came across your website initially because I was searching for a shared, personal forum with other professionals in my field that was not attached to random advertising and monthly fees. After discovering your website which hosted a forum that was exactly what I was looking for, as well as providing a mountain of resources that didn’t require you to follow several external links to get to, and to top it off no monthly recurring fee...Jackpot!
William Bedingfield Life Enrichment Director United States
-stretching/simple exercises to go along w/the seasons
*reaching for snowflakes, picking apples, chopping wood, etc. We have some really fun
creative ones.
*balloon toss or ball toss (into a basket
-Short reminisce story along w/simple trivia