Hi! I'm browsing for some ideas or activities my clients can do. While looking, I found a bunch of coloring pages called "mosaics." I couldn't find an explanation of what it is. Can someone please explain to me how this kind of coloring should be done? Probably a stupid question, but I'm putting it out there anyway!
These are the perfect coloring pages for seniors. I hate when simpler coloring pages are child-like. These are classy as well as the Golden Carers - I thank you!
These games are so helpful for us in an Adult Day Center. We are so limited as to what we can do with social distancing. Covid-19 is really on the rise in California.
Thank you for all of the great quizzes, word searches and fun stuff!
I'm browsing for some ideas or activities my clients can do. While looking, I found a bunch of coloring pages called "mosaics." I couldn't find an explanation of what it is. Can someone please explain to me how this kind of coloring should be done? Probably a stupid question, but I'm putting it out there anyway!
Thank you!