We only send out weekly diary,. these are given out to each resident on a Friday afternoon, and also emailed to all staff and residents sponsor. We have a large weekly printout in the main Lounge, and a4 print out on main foyer notice board( it is 2 pages with pictures). Many entertainers send out posters so this go up the week begin. if i want the care team to bring certain individuals i put the event and info in the care team diary. the care team also have a copy of the weekly diary and they read out the daily going ons at the handovers. Emailing the diary's to family has really helped and i often get family messages to ask if i can remind mum or dad about .... and also so the family can come and join in with things- or not come to take their relative out if they want to join in the session. hope this helps X
hi in England i have educated our Residents on Dignity and their rights i have taken bits from the dignity in care website and department of health papers. there are online audit tools you can make use of. we also have a dignity in care awareness day yearly to really remind everyone of what their rights are.
i am planing this make a crossword today i will post our results and maybe we can add to the crossword collection and see what others come up with using the same gride. its a great tool thanks :)
Emailing the diary's to family has really helped and i often get family messages to ask if i can remind mum or dad about .... and also so the family can come and join in with things- or not come to take their relative out if they want to join in the session. hope this helps X