Hi Kath. I am just reading short stories like, Nurses of the outback. I just finished one that Slim Dusty's, wife Anne Kirkpatrick wrote ( I think that's her name). It was the story behind some of the songs she had written. I really enjoyed it too. We just have Lino floors. I read quite loudly for those who have trouble hearing. One lady sits right next to me as she loves the stories the most but has the most trouble hearing. Oh, and always have a bottle of water nearby.......dry throat.
I just recently started work at a DT. I do the sundowner shift in a secure dementia unit and after dinner decided to start reading to the residents. I pull all the chairs in close so that they can hear me better and I'll read for up to 1.5 hrs. They all sit and listen and very few wander. i choose short stories to keep their attention. It's really enjoyable not just for them but me too.
I absolutely love this website. I check my emails everyday hoping for a newsletter. The information and activities are the best, I use them all the time :)
5 Engaging Read-Aloud Activities for Seniors