Member Profile:


Activity Coordinator From British Columbia, Canada

4 Comment

Khelie 6th Jun 2018 Activity Coordinator


I'm embarrassed to ask but how does this work ? In bingo form?
Khelie 6th Jun 2018 Activity Coordinator


Yes I too am looking for the same!!
Khelie 13th Feb 2018 Activity Coordinator


When doing word puzzles are they being done sitting at a table or looking at a board?
Khelie 13th Feb 2018 Activity Coordinator


I second Nori I am struggling with very mixed Dementia and expected to Coordinate and
do the activities myself. The space we have is very small and most everyone is in chairs hard to fit a table in without people getting caught into it. I have 2-4 HF and the rest LF or the middle I can't seem to find anything other than sing a longs where I can be up chasing or untangling wheelchairs .