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Activities From Oregon, United States

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Leslie 15th Mar 2020 Activities

How to Respond to Challenging Behavior

I’m an activities director at a memory care facility and I have one resident who is a true narcissus. She throws fits to get her way. Her memory is still very good. She’s incredibly rude to other residents, going so far as saying those kind of people don’t deserve activities their brains are gone. All she thinks about is herself. Our facility is attached to a residential care facility and she always wants to do activities with the residents on that side and will throw a fit screaming and crying until she gets her way. The residents on the assisted living side don’t like her, the rudeness, telling everyone they are stupid she knows everything, and being very loud during activities. How do I handle this my new admin says to give into the fir throwing and let her do activities with the assisted living residents, but then those residents will not participate in the activity, they will leave the room when she comes in. I feel stuck in the middle help please