I have purchased a board with letters that I am going to get residents to use for a “Quote of the week “, it will be placed on a wall .Uplifting quotes
I held a Wedding photo reminiscing activity last year... A HUGE SUCCESS!!! I placed all photos on a table covered with a lace table cloth, with a vase of flowers strings of pearls etc.... looked beautiful. I then picked a photo , naming the person whose photo it was , with them telling their story as the photo was passed around the group. I had a staff members wedding photo which I asked all to guess who it was. The room was packed and residents / family members , as well as staff talked about it for weeks. I have just started running a vintage photo group , again a hit, which I will be adding to our program monthly.
We have a sensory garden... for touch and smell. Plants like rosemary, curry plant , choc mint , lemon scented thyme just to mention a few. The resident is encouraged to touch the plant , rub leaves between fingers and smell. I see if they can guess what the plant is. Also sensory jars with things like coffee beans , cloves, orange peel etc... same idea... smell and guess what the contents of the jar is . Different balls.... furry, smooth , bumpy etc to touch. Music and instruments to shake or beat in time....
I held armchair travel at my facility for the first time yesterday, visiting Thailand as I have just been on holiday. It was a huge success!!!! I had Thai music playing in the background with a diffuser spreading lovely scents through the room. Lots of colourful photographs , clothes, jewelry & other goodies on display . We talked about climate, the flag and other interesting information as well as what I got up to on my holiday. We are going to hold this activity once a month with residents deciding where the would like to travel to
Thank you so much for such an awesome resource and to everyone for sharing their ideas. It takes the pressure off and allows more time to be spent with the ones we are caring for who after all need our time more than anything else. I am looking forward to reading as much as I can get my hands on and finding ways to improve the lives of our valuable community members and bring some sunshine in. Much appreciated :)
Confucius Motivational Quotes II